
Contract Staffing

Right Candidates make Great Employees - regardless of the Time Horizon!

Contract Staffing, Temporary Staffing, Consulting, Freelancing - as the name speaks - is a method of recruiting required human resource on contract, helping organizations to quickly ramp up project teams with qualified resources as may be required to fill short-term or long-term needs.

What motivates Employers to opt for Contract Work Style

Prior experience offering contract placement services, but unable to sustain the staff to keep it going. Now that things are getting better, would like to restart that business offering.

Understanding that employers want to ‘test’ new workers, and they don’t want to pay all the benefits full-time employees are entitled to.

Hiring contractors also helps employers reduce legal risk (and legal costs) because most of the liability for complying with employment laws falls on the contracting back-office.

What motivates Candidates to opt for Contract Work Style

Some are seeking a better work/life balance, a limited contract length or some choose their work projects to develop certain skills or obtain experience in various work-settings - growing their career in the process.

Some contract employees are seeking experience with certain employers and see contracts as a “foot in the door.”

Depending on their contract arrangement consultants might find legal and tax advantages in their arrangement - and can expect higher rates if they have specific skills that might be in-demand.

It’s a three-way relationship - the Employer provides the work; Golden Red handles the contracts with the employer and pays the contract employee; the contract employee provides their services to the employer for the duration of the contract.

We have been providing Contract / Temporary Staffing Services since our inception. Under Staffing solution, we provide contract employee for a specific time-period or for a specific job at a specific pay rate. While you focus on your core business, our Staffing solution will take care of all administrative responsibilities, minimizing employment risks, providing hard-to-find skilled resources ensuring full compliance with the law of the land. Our workplace, Your Workplace Your Client’s Workplace - irrespective of where you wish to station, these resources will be dedicated to your team and will be aligned to your business objective!

What we offer to the Employer
  • Search, Screen & Recruit
  • Migration
  • On-boarding
  • Training
  • Payroll Management
  • Management of Employees Provision Fund (EPF)
  • Employee State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)
  • Professional Tax Assessments
  • Statuary & Compliance to State & Central Laws
  • Rewards & Recognition
And what’s in it for Candidates
  • Provident Fund Administration
  • ESIC Linkup
  • Mediclaim Coverage
  • Essentials - Appointment Document, ID Card, Pay Slips and Form 16
While transitioning the client from their existing staffing partner to us, we ensure minimum impact to business with lesser time and minimum wastage of resources.
  • Existing Gap Analysis
  • Scope Analysis
  • Contract & Document Transfer
  • Transfer of Technology Platform (as may be required)
  • Statutory & Compliance
How we hire - our approach - our methodology
We help you practice a scientific and logical methodology of hiring - METRICS DRIVEN HIRING. A proprietary model introduced and executed with leading organizations to achieve spectacular results for them. Our approach offers you sniper like precision in an industry where shooting in the dark is almost a norm.

We source from the same pool as everybody but through a drastically different approach. We have a proprietary push-pull model which allows us to logically use different points of sourcing driven towards a common outcome - job boards, social & professional media.